CFP® Test Prep Certificate

Our online CFP® Exam test-prep course—done in partnership with Kaplan Financial—is designed for working professionals looking to advance in the industry, those seeking a career change to the financial, banking, accounting, and insurance fields, and those preparing to take the CFP® exam.

The certificate is offered in two different, seven-course online packages—Essential and EssentialPlus—both offering over 22 hours of online instruction, preparing test takers with every possible CFP® Exam topic.

Our expert support toolkits, which include the Education QBank interactive exams and quizzes and Performance Tracker, allow you to put what you’re learning to practice and track your progress along the way.

See how you can conveniently pay for each course at a time. You can complete this program on your schedule with up to 90 days to complete each course.

Education PackagesEssentialPlus Package*$799 per courseEssential Package**$749 per course
InstructionOnDemand Class
Study PlannerIncludedIncluded
Education QBankIncludedIncluded
Performance TrackerIncludedIncluded
Core Lecture VideosIncludedIncluded
Instructor Email AccessIncludedIncluded
Premium Live Review+$1,099+$1,099

*Course 107 contains unique materials via your online classroom, specifically designed to assist you in developing a financial plan.

**Available for courses 101–106.

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